
Brussels Mindfulness

50 Events 0 Followers
2019 2018 2017
Finding clarity and peace of mind in a busy life Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the demands you face? You may have a lot of roles to combine: being an efficient professional, a caring parent, a loving partner or friend, keeping in touch with your family, staying healthy and fit, ... All this requires a lot of planning and thinking ahead. But even at times when you’d like to wind down, your thoughts continue to race. It’s very difficult to stop them. You constantly keep planning, solving problems, worrying, … You're not really present for the people you care about. You are in what’s called the “autopilot mode”. It can be truly exhausting, because it triggers your stress system. You are not alone. In our busy lives with so many stimuli and distractions, our stress system gets triggered much more often than it was designed to be. We build up chronic stress and fatigue because our body is in constant state of alert. Mindfulness offers ways for you to step out of this stressful autopilot mode.
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